Wednesday 9 January 2013

My Obsession With Death

My Obsession With Death

I've had an interesting few days, well like, emotionally. I think I'm hormonal lately, I'm not too sure, oh well. I've had a very weird state of mind lately and I've let social tackles get on top of me. I'm kind of worried about my growing obsession with death, and it's kind of creeping me out. After reading about the heroin story of Kurt Cobain, and Sid Vicious etc. I started to realise the seriousness of the 'dirty drug' and what getting hooked on it en tales. I looked up about the effects of it and couldn't resist the temptation of watching people inject it. From young teenage girls injecting their necks to old men on the street crying whilst pumping themselves full of this horrific drug that they have become reliant on. I later looked at an MRI scan of a man dying, watching the lights in his brain shut off, quite literally. It was strangely pleasing to be able to see someone just fading away like that, which leads to the next section of my discovery. I was intrigued about the Kurt Cobain story and looked further into it, reading his original scanned-in version of his suicide note, looking at post-mortem images of his ruined face, from the shot-gun blast that he dealt to himself. I was a little too interested in death for this short period of time, and there was something so real, so gripping and odd about seeing real things that are related to the death of a person with such relevance to the world of music. I'm sort of scared for my own health. Oh well. I blame Tumblr, Ed's Mum (for buying me the book that had about Kurt's suicidal heroin journey) and my naturally dark mind. 

By the way here's an image of Kurt Cobain's suicide note -

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